Welcome to A Book of Happiness


What is the one thing we all crave more than anything else? One thing has a profound effect on our lives. One thing changes everything.

More than walls are the prisons of frustration, fear, depression, guilt, and unhappiness. One thing removes all prisons from us. When we have one thing we have the energy and strength required to rise above all obstacles in life.

When we have this one thing we are completely satisfied. One thing makes us good. One thing gives us the certainty we need, the hope we need. Doctors who study the brain have found that when we have one thing our brains and our bodies function properly. What is this one thing?

According to the science of physics, all energy comes from energy and never ends, only changes form. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Nothing can come from nothing. So, everything and everyone comes from something. What is that something. We know life consists of energy and energy then must come from the highest form of energy. What is the highest form of energy? The answer is love. Why love? Love is the pure giving of life for the benefit of another. There is no greater energy that exists because there is no greater purpose that exists. Love's purpose is to give, to give life. Love gives of itself only for the good of another. Love gives life of itself. Love is the 'giving of life' which is the greatest gift that can be given. Love gives not to receive anything in return. Love gives out of the joy of giving. Love always gives for a loving purpose. Love never takes only gives. Love never asks for anything in return because love is everything.

The only reason you were given life is to be loved. Everything that happens to you is for a loving reason. When your short life here on earth is over you will know and understand the reason.

We know our physical bodies are temporary but our souls go through a lifetime of experiences to learn what is good and what is not. What is loving and what is not. It would be ludicrous to think living life is for nothing. All life is to learn about love. Love is our home. We all come from love and we return to love for a loving reason. Everything in your life is to show you love, to know and understand love. The only way to know love is to also know what the absence of love is like. We all experience love and also the absence of love. The only reason we were given life is to be loved. The one thing is love.

What is it to be loved? To be loved is to be helped. Love is what cares about you and helps you. If you are not getting help it's because you're not humbly looking at love. To look at love you can't look at yourself. We all need something bigger than ourselves to help us. Love is bigger than ourselves. Love is help.

We are not loved because we are perfect but because we are imperfect. Unconditional love is not earned or deserved but given simply because we need love to live. Love is given without conditions. Thinking we have to be good to be loved causes frustration, fear, depression, guilt, and unhappiness. Knowing we are loved unconditionally no matter what we do, say, or think, gives us true serenity, strength, satisfies us and fills us with joy. We are all made perfectly imperfect on purpose. We are all made humble and vulnerable on purpose. Knowing this gives us peace. Being imperfect gives us rest knowing something bigger than us is perfect and takes care of us and those we care about. Being imperfect is the only way a person can experience love. Being imperfect shows us the need to be loved. To be loved is to be healed, forgiven, helped and cared for. If someone doesn't think they need to be healed, forgiven, helped, and cared for, they don't think they need to be loved. The truth is everyone needs to be loved. Love is bigger than us. Love is kind and always there for us. This short journey is to show us love. Love is the reason and the purpose of everything because there is no greater reason and purpose. To see love is to know love and get the benefits of love. 

Light shines brightest at night. Light also, has absolute power over night. Walk into a dark room and turn on the light. Light removes dark immediately. The dark is only the absence of light. Light has absolute and immediate power over the dark. When the sun comes up in the morning the night is gone. Love also, has absolute power over fears, frustration, depression, guilt, and unhappiness. Love completely satisfies our soul. There is nothing more satisfying. Knowing we are made humbly but cared for lovingly, kindly, makes us thankful, humble and able to receive the benefits of love.

When we know we are loved it's the highest high. Higher than any drug or drink. The reason we become addicted to drugs, alcohol, and other things is because we are needing to be high above ignorant thinking. The brain is capable of producing the high of any drug on its own. Psychotherapist studying the brain have proven this. Happiness from love gives us a high above all else. Humbleness and thankfulness are needed because we can't receive anything we don't think we need.

Love is above us, below us, love is all around us. We can never fall out of love's care and concern. Love is in the air we breathe, in the sun that comes up every morning, in the people that care about us, and in the gift of our own personal life. Love is always with us day and night no matter what we do, say, or think. We can close our eyes and not see the sun but the sun still exists. If we can't see love, love still exists. Seeing, knowing, understanding love is our journey. When we are born our life's destination is love.

For a glass to be filled it must be empty, imperfect, needing to be filled. Humbleness results in thankfulness. Thankfulness is proof of being humble. The focus is on love not yourself. Life is not about yourself but about love. Your life is the most love you could ever receive! What do we have that we haven't received?

Love changes weakness into strength. We can't make ourselves good. Love makes us good, healed, forgiven and when love forgives it forgets forever. Love treats us as perfect even though we are imperfect because of grace and mercy. Love makes us what we can't make ourselves. Love gives us what and who we need in life to grow, learn, and in the end to understand love.

Love lifts us up by love's energy. Love is life giving energy. Love gives energy. Love is the highest form of energy from which all energy comes from. Love is real. Understanding that life comes from love makes the soul full of joy and at peace.

We gravitate toward what we look at. Looking up beyond ourselves is wisdom. Looking at love comforts us, sets us at peace with ourselves and others. No one is better than another. We are all equal in our imperfection. There are those who look down at others and those that look up to others but everyone is made imperfect on purpose. 

Love is the one thing. Love is life. No one can deny life. Love is certainty and hope. We all want and need certainty and hope. Hope is our guaranteed future. Our future is certain, loving, kind, healing, full of joy, and thankfulness.

This is a glimpse of what's in this book. This book gives a person the strength, wisdom, and understanding to live a wonderful happy life with meaningful loving relationships.



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